
Glad to see you again my blogger friends :D, now i'll give you some expressions to negotiate a good deal. After read this explanation, don't forget to follow my blog, give a comment, and wait for my next post, ok? :D 

Let's improve our English ;)
We can use different expressions to negotiate.

Most commonly, we use conditional structures to do this.

In very concrete situations, we often use the first conditional to make a proposal.
If you make my bed, I wil sweep the floor.
Another common way to negotiate is by hypothesising. We can make proposals and suggest solutions in this way.

We can ask for a proposal using questions.
What did you have in mind?
What would you say to ...?
What if we ...?
We generally make hypothetical proposals using the second conditional:

'if' + simple past, 'would' / 'could' + base form of the verb
If we ordered six thousand, would you give us a discount?
If we paid cash, could you deliver the order today?
We can also use the same construction with 'Supposing...'
Supposing we ordered six thousand, would you give us a discount?

Conjunctions of Time

Glad to see you again my blogger friends :D, now i'll give you an explanation about conjunctions of time. After read this post, don't forget to follow my blog, give a comment, and wait for my next post, ok? :D 

Let's improve our English ;)
We can join two sentences using a conjunction. A conjunction of time gives us information about when two events happen, relative to each other.

Common conjunctions are 'when', 'while', 'as soon as', 'until', 'after', and 'before'.

'When' can be used to show that one event is before, or at the same time as another. 'When' can be used in the past or future.
I studied abroad for a year when i was at university.
When she finishes this course, she'll go abroad for a year.
 'While' can be used to show that two things happen at the same time.
While you're getting lunch ready, I'll wash the car.
I studied judo while I was in Japan.
'As soon as' shows that the second event happened, or will happen, very soon after the first.
As soon as I finished lunch, I went out for a walk.
I'll go out for a walk as soon as I finish lunch.
In the second example, the verb 'finish' is in the simple present but has a future meaning.

'Not ... until' means the same as 'not ... before'.
I didn't leave home until I got married.
'After' and 'before' can be followed by a clause or by a gerund.
After I had eaten five ice-creams, I felt a little sick. Before coming back to Britain, I travelled all over Eastern Europe.

Tombol Share Default Blog Tidak Muncul? Ini Solusinya

Hi sobat blogger :D kali ini saya akan memberikan tutorial untuk mengembalikan tombol share default blog yang hilang. Tombol share button sendiri digunakan untuk memberikan pilihan pada pengunjung blog bila ingin merepost postingan di blog sobat sekalian pada akun facebook/twitter/blog miliknya dan dapat pula merekomendasikan postingan kita agar mendapat posisi lebih baik pada mesin pencarian google.

Jika masih bertanya-tanya atau belum pernah melihat apa itu share button, ini saya beri imagenya :

Ada berbagai macam bentuk share button, namun bentuk default yang sudah disediakan blogger adalah seperti diatas.

Mengapa ada yang sudah langsung ada ketika membuat blog namun ada juga yang tidak? Begini, jika kita memakai template design yang diberikan oleh blogger, tombol share button ini langsung sudah tersedia setiap kita mempost postingan kita. Namun bila kita menggunakan design template dari pihak lain (selain blogger) seperti mendownload design template dari situs dan menerapkannya di blog kita, terkadang tombol tombol ini ada otomatis namun terkadang juga tidak. Hal ini dikarenakan ada sebagian creator dari sebuah template yang sengaja tidak memasang HTML untuk tombol share tersebut, mungkin dikarenakan ia memang tidak suka menampilkannya. Ya selera tiap creator tentu berbeda-beda, sama halnya jika kita mendesign template sendiri. Mungkin ada bagian yang menurut kita tidak perlu, namun menurut orang perlu.

Nah jika kebetulan pada template sobat belum dilengkapi tombol ini, dan sobat ingin mengembalikannya seperti tampilan default yang diberikan oleh blogger.

Ini dia caranya :

1. Sign in blog sobat masing-masing >> pada dasbor blog pilih template >> edit HTML >> lanjutkan.

2. Centang pilihan expand template widget.

3. Tekan ctrl+f pada keyboard sobat sekalian, kemudian cari tag atau kode berikut :
<b:includable id='shareButtons' var='post'>
  <b:if cond='data:top.showEmailButton'><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' expr:href='data:post.sharePostUrl + &quot;&amp;target=email&quot;' expr:title='data:top.emailThisMsg' target='_blank'>
      <span class='share-button-link-text'><data:top.emailThisMsg/></span>
  </a></b:if><b:if cond='data:top.showBlogThisButton'><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' expr:href='data:post.sharePostUrl + &quot;&amp;target=blog&quot;' expr:onclick='&quot;, \&quot;_blank\&quot;, \&quot;height=270,width=475\&quot;); return false;&quot;' expr:title='data:top.blogThisMsg' target='_blank'>
      <span class='share-button-link-text'><data:top.blogThisMsg/></span>
  </a></b:if><b:if cond='data:top.showTwitterButton'><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' expr:href='data:post.sharePostUrl + &quot;&amp;target=twitter&quot;' expr:title='data:top.shareToTwitterMsg' target='_blank'>
      <span class='share-button-link-text'><data:top.shareToTwitterMsg/></span>
  </a></b:if><b:if cond='data:top.showFacebookButton'><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' expr:href='data:post.sharePostUrl + &quot;&amp;target=facebook&quot;' expr:onclick='&quot;, \&quot;_blank\&quot;, \&quot;height=430,width=640\&quot;); return false;&quot;' expr:title='data:top.shareToFacebookMsg' target='_blank'>
      <span class='share-button-link-text'><data:top.shareToFacebookMsg/></span>
  </a></b:if><b:if cond='data:top.showOrkutButton'><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-orkut' expr:href='data:post.sharePostUrl + &quot;&amp;target=orkut&quot;' expr:title='data:top.shareToOrkutMsg' target='_blank'>
      <span class='share-button-link-text'><data:top.shareToOrkutMsg/></span>
  </a></b:if><b:if cond='data:top.showBuzzButton'><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-buzz' expr:href='data:post.sharePostUrl + &quot;&amp;target=buzz&quot;' expr:onclick='&quot;, \&quot;_blank\&quot;, \&quot;height=415,width=690\&quot;); return false;&quot;' expr:title='data:top.shareToBuzzMsg' target='_blank'>
      <span class='share-button-link-text'><data:top.shareToBuzzMsg/></span>
  <b:if cond='data:top.showDummy'>
    <div class='goog-inline-block dummy-container'><data:post.dummyTag/></div>
catatan: kode tersebut biasanya berada diatas kode :
<b:includable id='backlinks' var='post'>
Jika kode tersebut (kode yang panjang) ada, lanjut ke langkah berikutnya. Jika tidak ada, copy kode tersebut (kode yang panjang), kemudian paste diatas kode:
<b:includable id='backlinks' var='post'>
4. Setelah langkah 3 selesai dilakukan, cari kode berikut ini :
<div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'>
   <b:if cond='data:post.sharePostUrl'>
      <b:include data='post' name='shareButtons'/>
 catatan: kode tersebut biasanya berada dibawah kode :
<div class='post-footer'>
Jika kode tersebut (kode yang panjang) ada, lanjut ke langkah berikutnya. Jika tidak ada, copy kode tersebut (kode yang panjang), kemudian paste dibawah kode:
<div class='post-footer'>

5. Selesai. Selamat mencoba !

Demikian tips blogging kita kali ini, semoga bisa membantu sobat sekalian yang sedang bingung kenapa tombol share default templatenya tidak muncul. Jangan lupa follow blog saya, dan tunggu postingan selanjutnya ;)

Saya sangat menghargai tiap komentar yang sobat berikan terhadap postingan  ini agar menjadi masukan bagi saya untuk lebih baik lagi kedepannya. Terima kasih, :D

Example of Review Text

Glad to see you again my blogger friends :D, now i'll give you one example of review text. I'll hope with this post you can improve your english reading skills and know about the difference between one type of text in English and the other ones. After read this text, don't forget to follow my blog, give a comment, and wait for my next post, ok? :D

Let's improve our English guys ! ;)
The Village Club
( restaurant review )

From the moment you walk in through the door, everything about the Village Club says 'class'. From the beautifully dressed, helpful waiters in their white jackets and gloves, to the lovely violin background music, attention is paid to every detail. The Village Club is about more than just fine food.

I was meeting a friend there, so we decided to have cocktails in the comfortable bar before dinner. The expertly mixed cosmopolitans had just the right balance of sweet cranberry juice and a sharp taste of lime. From the bar, we could look into both the tea room and the main dining room. The tea room was so bright and cheerful. Colourfully-patterned comfy chairs were crowded around small low tables, which were covered in flowers. The rose-scented air drifted out towards us whenever guests left. I imagined falling asleep in the warm room. The elegant Victorian design in that room was tasteful and understated. A few circular tables stood along each wall of the candlelit room. Sturdy, high-backed chairs with soft cushions surrounded the tables. The room smelled like leather and oak, and the aromaof a perfectly cooked steak made my mouth water. As I sipped my drink, diners' forks and knives clinked softly, and their quiet conversations provided a soothing background to our dining experience.

The menu was unusually extensive, including appetisers such as spinach and ricotta ravioli, main dishes like juicy steak served with fresh vegetables, and dangerously rich-sounding desserts such as the double chocolate cake with bitter chocolate ice cream.

I decided on a simple salad to start with, while my friend went for the tomato and basil soup. For main course we choose the fillet of veal parmesan and the baked salmon. My salad was extremely fresh with a deliciously tart dressing. On the other hand, my friend thought the soup tasted  bit garlicky, but it was not overpowering it. Unfortunately, while the salmon smelled wonderful, it was overcooked and a bit dry, and the vegetables were bland.

After this, we were too full for dessert, do that will have to wait for next time, and for me, there certainly will be a next time.

The Village Club is at 23 George Street, Birmingham.
Open for dinner 5-10 pm, Tuesday-Sunday, closed Monday. 
Prices start at 25 Euro per person.

Menu Sisi dengan Jquery

Hai sobat blogger sekalian, pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbagi informasi cara mempercantik desain blog anda dengan menampilkan Menu Sisi dengan Jquery. Mungkin postingan ini menjadi jawaban bagi sobat sekalian yang pernah melihat blog teman atau orang lain yang menampilkan animasi seperti ini. Bagi para blogger yang sudah menguasai atau pernah belajar CSS dan Jquery mengedit blog menjadi lebih dinamis tentunya bukan perkara sulit, jadi disini saya tidak bermaksud menggurui hanya membantu para blogger baru yang tidak mengerti dan mempunyai rasa ingin tahu yang kuat sehingga diharapkan kedepannya dapat berbagi juga kalo mempunyai tips dan trik berharga mengenai blog. Dulu saya pernah mencari d google bagaimana sih membuat animasi ini, namun tidak kunjung ditemukan caranya, sehingga kemudian saya mempelajari Jquery lebih dalam dan akhirnya berhasil membuatnya sendiri, Alhamdulillah :D. Tidak berlama-lama lagi, langsung saja kita mulai tutorialnya :

1. Sign in pada account blogger sobat>>> pada dasbor>>> Klik Template>>> Edit HTML.

2. Tekan Ctrl+F kemudian cari kode </head>.

3. Tambahkan Script JQuery berikut sebelum tag atau kode </head> tersebut.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

catatan: Bagi sobat yang pernah menambahkan atau ditemplate sobat sudah terdapat script JQuery maka langkah ke-3 abaikan saja.

4. Kemudian tambahkan pula script berikut dibawah script JQuery tadi.

<script src=''/>
google.load(&quot;jquery&quot;, &quot;1.3.2&quot;);
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(function() {
$(&#39;#menusisi a&#39;).stop().animate({&#39;marginLeft&#39;:&#39;-50px&#39;},1000);
$(&#39;#menusisi &gt; li&#39;).hover(
function () {
function () {

5. Tekan Ctrl+F lagi kemudian cari kode </body>.

6. Tambahkan Script JQuery berikut sebelum tag atau kode </body> tersebut.

<ul id='menusisi'>
<li class='beranda'><a href='YOUR LINK HERE' title='Beranda'/></li>
<li class='tentang'><a href='YOUR LINK HERE' title='Tentang'/></li>
<li class='cari'><a href='YOUR LINK HERE' title='Cari'/></li>
<li class='alat'><a href='YOUR LINK HERE' title='Alat'/></li>
<li class='rssfeed'><a href='YOUR LINK HERE' title='RSS Feed'/></li>
<li class='komentar'><a href='YOUR LINK HERE' title='Komentar'/></li>
<li class='kontak'><a href='YOUR LINK HERE' title='Kontak'/></li>

6. Selesai.

Semoga bermanfaat ya sobat blogger sekalian :) jangan lupa follow blog saya, beri komentar sebagai masukan, dan tunggu  postingan tentang tutorial menghias blog dengan jquery berikutnya. 

Indahnya berbagi ilmu ;)

Lihat live demo di samping kiri tampilan blog saya ini. Oke, selamat mencoba !! :D, mohon maaf akan segala kekurangannya, kesalahan adalah milik kita, dan kesempurnaan hanya milik Allah SWT.


'Much' or 'a lot' can be used to show that there is a big difference between two people or things.
'A little' or 'a bit' can be used to show a small difference.
With adjectives :

Austrians are much more formal than Swedes, and they are much less direct.
Austria is a bit cheaper than Sweden.
Remember that we cannot use a double comparative.
Right : Austrian food is much heavier.
Wrong : Austrian food is much more heavier.
With adverbs :
She speaks a little more quietly than I do.
He drives a lot faster than I do.
With nouns :
If the noun is uncountable, we use 'much' or 'a lot' (for a big difference), and 'a little' or 'a bit' (for a small difference).
In Sweden, they eat a lot more fish. They have much less daylight in winter.
If the noun is countable, we use 'many' or 'a lot' (for a big difference), and 'a few' (for a small difference).
There are many more jobs in Sweden.
There are a few more taxis in New York than London.
Use 'fewer' to compare countable nouns and 'less' to compare uncoutable nouns.
There are many fewer hours of daylight in Swedish winter.
In Sweden, they have much less daylight in winter.


When we ask for a description of someone or something, we can use: 'what' + to be + like?

examples :
What is your new car like?
What is the weather like in spring?
What's Chinese food like?
We usually don't use the word 'like' in the answer, unless we are comparing two things.
The weather is warm and dry.
The weather in spring here is like summer in your country.
We can use the same structure to find out more details about taste, smell, texture, and appearance. We use the verb 'taste', 'smell', 'feel', and 'look'.

You can Answer these questions in variety of ways. If you use an adjective, the word 'like' does not appear in the in the answer. If you use a noun, you need to use the word 'like' in the answer.

FORM 1 : Subject + 'taste' / 'smell' / 'feel' / 'look' / ['be'] + adjective
FORM 2 : Subject + 'taste' / 'smell' / 'feel' / 'look' + 'like' + noun
What does it taste like?
It is spicy.
It tastes spicy.
It tastes like chicken.

What does it feel like?
It is soft.
It feels soft.
It feels like velvet 
When you answer the question 'What does __________ look like?', the answer doesn't usually  include the word 'look' if you are using adjectives.
What does she look like?
She's tall and beautiful.
For the verbs 'taste', 'smell', 'feel', and 'look', we are can also use 'How?' We answer the same way.
How does it taste?
It is spicy.
It tastes spicy.
It tastes like chicken.

The 8th Statistika Ria 2012

( 29 - 30 September 2012 )

Acara bertaraf nasional bagi staistikawan muda yang digelar setiap tahun oleh Departemen Statistika IPB ini terdiri dari sebuah seminar dan 2 kompetisi antar mahasiwa statistika se-Indonesia. Di acara seminar nasional selalu dihadirkan para pakar di bidang statistika murni maupun terapan yang tentunya akan menambah wawasan para statistikawan muda yang menjadi peserta seminar dalam menghadapi dunia kerja nantinya. Sementara kompetisi yang digelar yakni kompetisi essay nasional dan kompetisi statistika nasional. Dari 2 kompetisi tersebut akan diperebutkan Piala Bergilir Andi Hakim Nasution yang akan diterima oleh universitas yang menjadi juara umum (universitas dengan wakil terbaik di kompetisi essay dan statistika nasional), sekedar informasi yang menjadi juara umum dua tahun lalu (2010) adalah STIS sementara tahun lalu (2011) adalah IPB. Ajang ini menjadi sangat bergengsi karena mempertaruhkan gengsi tiap Universitas yang mengirimkan wakilnya sekaligus membuktikan Universitas mana yang terbaik dalam program studi Statistika, biasanya wakil dari tiap Universitas sudah disaring sedemikian rupa sehingga yang bertarung dalam kompetisi ini merupakan mahasiswa-mahasiswa statistika terbaik di negeri ini. Namun selain untuk berkompetisi, ajang ini juga menjadi sarana untuk saling kenal antar insan statistika di Indonesia yang tersebar di berbagai Universitas tersebut. So, tunggu apalagi, ayo segera daftar !! :D

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